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A relative date criterion
Martin Haltrich, Franz Lackner, Marianne Pollheimer & Herrad Spilling Die Handschriften und Fragmente der Karolingerzeit in österreichischen Bibliotheken
Jonathan Blaney & Jane Winters, The British History Online digital library : a model for sustainability ?
Florence Clavaud, Les éditions électroniques de l’Ecole nationale des Chartes : objectifs, prinicpes, outils et perspectives
Isabelle Draelants, Les sources mises en ligne par des médiévistes à l’Université de Nancy
Jeroen Deploige, Bert Callens, Philippe Demonty & Guy De Tré, Remedying the obsolescence of digitised surveys of medieval sources. Narrative Sources and Diplomata Belgica »
Digital Edition of Sources in Europe : Achievements, Problems and Prospects.
Digital Edition of Sources in Europe : Achievements, Problems and Prospects. Conference celebrating the 175th anniversary of the Commission royale d’Histoire - Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, held on the occasion of the annual meeting of Porta Historica (published in their bulletin nr. 176/1 (2010) and on their website :
Introduction to Palaeography
The ‘Introduction to palaeography’ tutorial, with transcription exercises, is produced by the Institute of Historical Research and now available. It’s completely free, but people just need to set up an account to use it.
Podcasts from Conferences and Seminars
The Institute of Historical Research usually publish podcasts from their conferences and seminars.
Some guidelines for on-line reviews
Porta Historica is a platform for on-line reviews of historical editions and for evaluating websites containing historical editions. Some guidelines by Dr. Andrea Rzihacek (IMAF) and Dr. Jane Winters (IHR)
Guidelines for On-line Reviews
Status Interaction During the Reign of Louis XIV
by Giora Sternberg
The First World War Poetry Digital Archive and The Great War Archive
University of Oxford
Narrative sources from the Medieval Low Countries
Universities of Ghent, Leuven, and Groningen
The French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe, 1769–1794. Mapping the Trade of the Société typographique de Neuchâtel
edited by: Simon Burrows, Mark Curran, Vincent Hiribarren, Sarah Kattau, Henry Merivale
A People's History of the French Revolution
by Eric Hazan
Dissolving Royal Marriages: A Documentary History, 860-1600
by David d'Avray
JISC Historical Texts
edited by Scott Gibbens